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Krasnodar region increased exports of fat and oil products by 48% in 2022

«Last year, Kuban oil and fat plants exported a record amount – about $1 billion, which is 48% higher than the same figure for the last year», said Fedor Dereka, the Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar region.

He noted that the main export product in this category are vegetable oils, such as sunflower and rapeseed. In particular, supply of rapeseed oil to foreign markets has tripled over the year. Oilcake, margarine, mayonnaise are also exported to other countries. Asia is by far the biggest Kuban vegetable oil importer. Oil is purchased by the countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

To increase the production of raw oil and fat products in the region, government reimburses part of the cost of oilseed production.

Press service of the Krasnodar region Administration